Ministries & Service Opportunities
1 Peter 4:10-11
Team Leader: Don Morey
Building & Grounds
Team Leader: Chris Fox
Organizing classes for Children’s Sunday School and Junior Worshop and assisting leaders and teachers.
Team Leader: Dave Fox
Team Leader: Bill Horton
Team Leader: Don Morey
Hospitality / Fellowship
Team Leader: Marie Riggs
Media & Technology
Team Leader: Carol Davis
Team Leaders Don & Jan Morey
Prayer Ministry
Team Leader: Dave Fox
Corporate prayer is an important part of the life of the church, along with worship, sound doctrine, communion, and fellowship. The early church met regularly to learn the doctrine of the apostles, break bread, and pray together (Acts 2:42). When we pray together with other believers, the effects can be very positive. Corporate prayer edifies and unifies us as we share our common faith. The same Holy Spirit who dwells within each believer causes our hearts to rejoice as we hear praises to our Lord and Savior, knitting us together in a unique bond of fellowship found nowhere else in life.
Far too many Christians equate prayer with “getting things from God,” and group prayer becomes mainly an occasion to recite a list of our wants. Biblical prayers, however, are multi-faceted, encompassing the whole of the desire to enter into conscious and intimate communion with our holy, perfect, and righteous God. That such a God would bend an ear to His creatures causes praise and adoration to put forth in abundance (Psalm 27:4; 63:1-8), produces heartfelt repentance and confession (Psalm 51; Luke 18:9-14), generates an outpouring of gratitude and thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6; Colossians 1:12), and creates sincere intercessory pleas on behalf of others (2 Thessalonians 1:11; 2:16).
Prayer, then, is cooperating with God to bring about His plan, not trying to bend Him to our will.
From the Prayer Ministry Team
Women of the Word
Ministers through ladies’ Bible study, communion preparation, service and fellowship.
Meets every 1st Sunday of the month at 9:30 at the church.
Team Leader: Suzanne Anderson
Worship Ministry
Coordinates and plans the music and worship activities to glorify God and ensures the Body is edified.
Team Leaders: Dave Fox & Alex Fox
Youth Ministry
Encourages young people through Bible study and fellowship to grow in their relationship with Christ.
Team Leader: Dave Fox